исходный файл qwtpolar.pri
файл qwtpolar.pri с исправлениями
# -*- mode: sh -*- ##############################################
# QwtPolar Widget Library
# Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Rathmann
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

# Install paths


unix {
# -*- mode: sh -*- ##############################################
# QwtPolar Widget Library
# Copyright (C) 2008 Uwe Rathmann
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

# Install paths


unix {
  INSTALLBASE = /usr/local/qwtpolar-0.1.0   INSTALLBASE = /usr

win32 {
INSTALLBASE = C:/QwtPolar-0.1.0

target.path = $$INSTALLBASE/lib

win32 {
INSTALLBASE = C:/QwtPolar-0.1.0

target.path = $$INSTALLBASE/lib
headers.path = $$INSTALLBASE/include headers.path = $$INSTALLBASE/include/qwtpolar-qt4
doc.path = $$INSTALLBASE/doc doc.path = $$INSTALLBASE/share/doc/libqwtpolar-doc

# qmake internal options

CONFIG += qt # Also for Qtopia Core!
CONFIG += warn_on
CONFIG += thread
CONFIG += silent

# release/debug mode
# The designer plugin is always built in release mode.
# If want to change this, you have to edit designer/designer.pro.

isEmpty(VVERSION) {

  # Qt 3
  CONFIG += release # release/debug
else {
  # Qt 4
  win32 {
    # On Windows you can't mix release and debug libraries.
    # The designer is built in release mode. If you like to use it
    # you need a release version. For your own application development you
    # might need a debug version.

    # CONFIG += debug_and_release
    # CONFIG += build_all
    CONFIG += release # release/debug/debug_and_release
  else {

# qmake internal options

CONFIG += qt # Also for Qtopia Core!
CONFIG += warn_on
CONFIG += thread
CONFIG += silent

# release/debug mode
# The designer plugin is always built in release mode.
# If want to change this, you have to edit designer/designer.pro.

isEmpty(VVERSION) {

  # Qt 3
  CONFIG += release # release/debug
else {
  # Qt 4
  win32 {
    # On Windows you can't mix release and debug libraries.
    # The designer is built in release mode. If you like to use it
    # you need a release version. For your own application development you
    # might need a debug version.

    # CONFIG += debug_and_release
    # CONFIG += build_all
    CONFIG += release # release/debug/debug_and_release
  else {
    CONFIG += release # release/debug     # CONFIG += release # release/debug

# If you want to have different names for the debug and release
# versions you can add a suffix rules below.


win32 {

# Qwt paths
# Add the paths to the Qwt include files and Qwt libraries
# Note, that these need to bo absolute path names.

# If you want to have different names for the debug and release
# versions you can add a suffix rules below.


win32 {

# Qwt paths
# Add the paths to the Qwt include files and Qwt libraries
# Note, that these need to bo absolute path names.
QWT_INCLUDEPATH = /path/to/qwt-5.2/include #QWT_INCLUDEPATH = /path/to/qwt-5.2/include
QWT_LIBRARYPATH = /path/to/qwt-5.2/lib #QWT_LIBRARYPATH = /path/to/qwt-5.2/lib
!exists ( $${QWT_INCLUDEPATH} ) { #!exists ( $${QWT_INCLUDEPATH} ) {
  error( "You need to define a valid path to the Qwt includes in qwtpolar.pri" ) #  error( "You need to define a valid path to the Qwt includes in qwtpolar.pri" )
} #}
!exists ( $${QWT_LIBRARYPATH} ) { #!exists ( $${QWT_LIBRARYPATH} ) {
  error( "You need to define a valid path to the Qwt libs in qwtpolar.pri" ) #  error( "You need to define a valid path to the Qwt libs in qwtpolar.pri" )
} #}
win32 {

# Build the static/shared libraries.
# If QwtPolarDll is enabled, a shared library is built, otherwise
# it will be a static library.

CONFIG += QwtPolarDll

# If you want to build the QwtPolar designer plugin,
# enable the line below.
# Otherwise you have to build it from the designer directory.

CONFIG += QwtPolarDesigner

# If you want to auto build the examples, enable the line below
# Otherwise you have to build them from the examples directory.
win32 {

# Build the static/shared libraries.
# If QwtPolarDll is enabled, a shared library is built, otherwise
# it will be a static library.

CONFIG += QwtPolarDll

# If you want to build the QwtPolar designer plugin,
# enable the line below.
# Otherwise you have to build it from the designer directory.

CONFIG += QwtPolarDesigner

# If you want to auto build the examples, enable the line below
# Otherwise you have to build them from the examples directory.
# CONFIG += QwtPolarExamples CONFIG += QwtPolarExamples